Dragon Language


Convert Numbers


Glyph Romanization IPA
G g g
C c
J j
T t t
D d d
H h x
Y y j
L l l
N n n
R r r
S s s
S* s s
Z z z
Š sh, š ʃ
Ž zh, ž ʒ
Þ th, þ, ŧ θ
Ð dh, ð, đ ð

Labial Consonants

Dragons lips are different from mammalian lips, as such they might struggle with labial sounds. To transcribe foreign words that include said sounds, the following glyphs might be used:

Letter Glyph
b, p, f, v, w W
Letter Glyph
m M

Consonant Pairs

The symmetrical glyphs above are used to represent the letters by themselves. In normal text, pairs of consonants are merged together and the left half is taken from the first consonant of the pair and the right half is taken from the second.

when transcribing words with an odd number of consonants in a row, the symbol ' can be used to represent a consonant pair in which one of the two sides is empty.

When combining a consonant with S the variant S* is often used when the other consonant has lines passing throgh the middle of the glyph.

Some pairings are considered strong, which take precedence over other pairs of consonants

Follows a table of standard consonant pairs. Pairs that are not used in practice are grayed out, strong pairs are in blue.


Usually vowels are unrounded.

Glyph Romanization IPA
a a a
i i i
e e ə
o o ɑ
u u ɯ

Vowel Pairs

Pairs of vowels are stacked on top of each other, on transliteration they can be unpaired with ', just like consonants


Numbers are expressed in a big-endian positional notation in base 6.

Glyph Value
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5