
Glaxmoji is an emoji set for dragons 😊.


Glaxmoji is an emoji set where all the facial expressions are applied to a dragon's face 🥰

It supports skin tones 👍🏽 and ZWJ sequences 🧑‍🔧and combination thereof 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻.


Use can use Glaxmoji as a font, an OTF file is available for download.

To use it on the web, you can reference Glaxmoji.css and simply use Glaxmoji as font-family:

<link rel="stylesheet" src="" />


The emoji set is open source.
The font is under the Open Font License.
Individual images are dual licensed: CC BY-SA and GPL v3+.
The various scripts used to build the font are GPL v3+.


You can customize emoji pictures and create emoji-kitchen-like mashups at the Emoji editor.


Try it below!